Maybe im sad, maybe im not
Men inte hjärtlös
How can I help others, when I can't help my self?
How can I love others, if i can't love my self?
I see myself like the rose in The beauty and the beast
Only the reason for it to live is different
Soon it will die, and the world will die around it.
If there is no changes
If there is no help
If others can't see through me
See in me
Se all there is about me
Then I will be as the rose
I will wither
Or have I already?
Jag vet inte vad jag skriver
Jag vet inte vad jag tänker
För tankarna är så många
Dom gnager i min själ som blodtörstiga hundar
Som hungriga gamar, äter dom upp mitt inre
I don't want you to feel sorry for me
I don't want your symphaty
I just want you to understand